Random Images……An ode to the winter of my discontent
(sketch made with Paper53 app on iPad)
My ebisu, like a greyhound straining at the start, yearns to run free.
But instead she sits in an apartment, leaning up against the wall, gathering dust, through the long, cold winter — while I ignore her.
She whispers to me: why don’t we go out exploring the way we once did?
I change the subject. Or pretend not to hear.
I have many, oh so many reasons (read excuses), why it cannot be. Through it all she doesn’t complain. But her disappointment is palpable. And for that I cannot blame her.
I think one day it will be different. So I say, “one day it will be as it once was”. She is cheered by the news. But I know it is a lie, not in the spirit behind the words, but in the actual words.
For there is no such thing as: it being as it once was.
And although we cannot go back to how it once was, we must always know there will be new springs, new summers. And that yes, one day, this long dark winter will cease.
The sun will rise high overhead. The ice will melt. New life — tindered with joy and longing — will tremble, cry out, and reach up to embrace the very apex of the universe.
And together we will have new experiences that we never could have imagined.
Well written. Makes even my heart yearn to ride. Did you move to colder climes?
4 Apr 14 at 9:46 pm
Yeah, I’ve been on the east coast, the snow has been heavy this winter and spring. Soon I’m off to much colder climes indeed – Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for an extended stay. I’m not really sure which bike to bring with me 🙂
5 Apr 14 at 11:01 am