On the Road……Fort Mason, San Francisco
I’ve recently begun some volunteer photography for the National Park Service in the GGNRA and therefore have been spending time around Fort Mason.
I’ve fallen in love with some of the trees scattered around this historic military base. I will post a few pictures soon.
Meantime, here’s a picture of a cyclist cutting through Fort Mason, probably on her way toward the Marina neighborhood.
Note: that’s a Metlife blimp slipping behind the chapel’s bell tower in the image above.
Ha, I wouldn’t have noticed the blimp if you hadn’t pointed it out. My eyes were drawn to the bike and front doors.
Myles/ rattrappress
9 Dec 10 at 3:46 pm
myles/ the photographer in me wanted to take the photo BEFORE it went behind the tower, but darn if i wasn’t fast enough!
10 Dec 10 at 12:11 am